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By The Boatload

Two Irishmen were walking down a street in Manchester, when they see a shop with the following sign in the window:

Irishmen jokes

One says to the other, “Look at the fecking prices of those, we could buy a boatload, take it back to Ireland, sell it and double or even treble our money!”

The other says “Dat’s a fecking great Idea, but will they let us buy all that if we’re Irish?”

The first says, “Don’t worry, watch this…”

…and goes into the shop and says in his best English accent: “I would like twenty suits, thirty jackets, fifty pairs of trousers and twenty-five dresses please.”

The shop assistant says, “You’re Irish aren’t you?”

He replies “Feck, how did you know?!”

The assistant says, “This is a dry cleaner…”


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